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West Windsor & Suez Energy Gearbox Service


The West Windsor Cogeneration facility is a combined cycle, natural gas facility that provides electricity to the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation. The Alstom 11NM is a low NOx gas turbine with power turbine, compressor and generator mounted on a single shaft. Steam is produced in three drums at different pressures, supplied to a 33MW steam turbine generator for Archer Daniels Midland and Canadian Salt Company.

Project Background

Suez Energy Generation’s VAX steam turbine generation train originally was designed for 33 MW. Suez Energy Generation required a new gearbox with higher capability that could be installed in the same installation as the original gearbox and contacted FGGS for Gearbox Service.

FGGS Approach

FGGS designed a 38MW Flender Graffenstaden Reduction gear that would maintain the same foot print and coupling/flange details so that it can be installed with minimal modification to the existing structures. FGGS field service engineers installed the new gear to ensure the proper installation procedures were carried out and the new equipment would operate correctly. Along with Flender Graffenstaden’s installation procedures, the field service engineers aligned the turbine and generator to the gearbox using state of the art laser aligning equipment, a service now provided by FGGS Field Services.

Transferred Power

Suez Energy Generation utilized all of FGGS’s Gearbox services from design to field service while successfully upgrading their gearbox. Now, they can increase power production at their plant.