FGGS offers air-cooled heat exchanger installation of replacement units, replacement tube bundles, and upgrades to meet customer-specified needs and requirements.
Phone: +1 (203) 268-5961
E-mail: info@fggscorp.com

No matter what your air-cooled heat exchangers requirements are, let us provide you with cost-effective and efficient service. We are a preferred service provider for ECODYNE air-cooled heat exchangers for both process and power generation industries.
FGGS works closely with our OEM partner to ensure your retrofit or upgrade runs smoothly and your Air Coolers are delivered on time. We can provide support with:

From design, construction, and start-up. FGGS can provide the product and field service management support to complete your projects. We have completed different installations of Air-Cooled heat exchangers in North, Central, and South America.